Category Archives: Hydraulic Hammers

3 Tips to Help Extend the Life of Your Hydraulic Hammer

If you own a home, you already know that one of the most important things you can do to avoid expensive repairs and replacements in the future is to perform regular maintenance. Home maintenance tasks like changing your air filters in your air conditioning units and repairing holes in your fencing prevent more expensive problems from forming later down the line.

The same can be said for your Kent or CAT H-115 hydraulic hammer. Taking a little time now to maintain your hammer will extend its life and leave you with more reliable tools for years to come. Read on to learn about three maintenance tasks you can perform to keep your hydraulic tools in top shape.

    • Perform regular visual inspections. Visually inspecting all of your hammer’s components is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spot small problems before they turn into major issues. Encourage your employees to inspect their tools closely after each shift.
      Take advantage of manufacturer’s maintenance tools. Most tool manufacturers produce custom tools that help you measure the condition of particular parts of each hammer or breaker’s system. Check which company manufactures your hydraulic hammer and use the manufacturer’s custom tools to ensure that each machine is receiving the maintenance it needs.
      Use proper lubrication. Properly lubricating the attachment of your hammer will drastically decrease the chances of a sudden breakdown. Check your attachment to ensure that it’s properly lubricated before each use. You may also want to regularly investigate your automatic greasing system for maintenance issues if your hammer has one.
  • Does your team own an Allied rammer or hydraulic hammer that’s in need of a repair or replacement? We have the tools you need to keep your team safe this fall season. Contact us to learn more about our current lineup of tools and services.

    3 Benefits of Financing Your Next Hydraulic Hammer or Breaker

    As the summer season continues, construction professionals across the country are monitoring both their budgets and their teams to ensure that every project is completed safely and successfully. Unfortunately, after a slowed construction season burdened by COVID-19, small business owners may not have the cash they need on-hand to get the used hydraulic breakers or hammers their team needs to stay safe on the construction site. This can lead team members to continue using out-of-date or unsafe tools in an effort to save money.

    Hydraulic Breaker Services, LLC is proud to provide you with up to 100% financing for the tools you need to operate your business safely. Financing your next CAT H115 hammer or Atlas Copco breaker comes with a number of benefits for business owners, including:

    • More cash available on-hand. You never know when your business might run into a period of financial hardship. Financing your tools allows you to keep an easily accessible source of liquid cash to cover emergencies.
    • Get the tools you need now. If you don’t have enough cash on-hand to purchase the tools you need outright, you may continue using unsafe tools that put your employees at risk. At Hydraulic Breaker Services, LLC, we don’t only offer discounted rebuilt tools — we also make them easier to access and afford with comprehensive financing options. Financing your tools allows you to get the safe options your team needs without waiting.
    • Potential for tax deductions. Depending on the tool you purchase and the nature of your business, you may be able to deduct the price of your tool and your interest from your business’s taxes.

    Is your team continuing to use unsafe tools on your job sites? Now is the ideal time to learn more about financing options from Hydraulic Breaker Services, LLC. Give our team a call today to learn more and explore your options.